Welcome to the stand for openwifi
The 1st opensource WiFi chip
- Track: openwifi stand
- Room: S.openwifi
- Day: Saturday
- Start: 09:30
- End: 10:00
- Visit: Visit the stand
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Openwifi, announced in FOSDEM’20, is the 1st opensource WiFi chip design (802.11a/g/n) which includes Verilog source code for the chip and C source code for the Linux driver. Currently the design runs on FPGA verification platform via SDR (Software Defined Radio) methodology. With the design running, the FPGA board could become WiFi AP, WiFi client, ad-hoc node or sniffer. Besides the standard WiFi functionality (802.11a/g/n), it also has some special features, such as non-standard frequencies (<6GHz); CSI; IQ sample; configurable low MAC behavior; time slicing; etc.
- 802.11a/g/n
- 20MHz bandwidth; 70 MHz to 6 GHz frequency range
- Mode tested: Ad-hoc; Station; AP, Monitor
- DCF (CSMA/CA) low MAC layer in FPGA (10us SIFS is achieved)
- 802.11 packet injection
- CSI (Channel State Information, freq offset, equalizer to computer)
- IQ capture (real-time AGC, RSSI, IQ sample to computer)
- Configurable channel access priority parameters: duration of RTS/CTS, CTS-to-self, SIFS/DIFS/xIFS/slot-time/CW/etc
- Time slicing based on MAC address (time gated/scheduled FPGA queues)
- Easy to change bandwidth and frequency: 2MHz for 802.11ah (sub-GHz); 10MHz for 802.11p/vehicle (5.9GHz)
- On roadmap: 802.11ax
Visit the Welcome to the stand for openwifi at stands.fosdem.org.