Brussels / 1 & 2 February 2020


Go devroom

09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Sunday The State of Go
What's new since Go 1.12
Functional Programming with Go Porting Go to NetBSD/arm64 Build real-world gaming hardware with TinyGo
Make toys and other contraptions that run on Go
Diversity, Finally From Go to Kubernetes CRDs and Back
Workflow for building strongly typed APIs
Deterministic debugging with Delve
And the state of Delve
Classify things in Go: the easy way.
Building classifiers quickly with the community contributions.
Dragons of CGO
Hard-learned Lessons from Writing Go Wrappers
Advanced debugging techniques of Go code Debug code generation in Go Uplift your Linux systems programming skills with systemd and D-Bus
Practical examples and best practices on how to leverage systemd and D-Bus in Go
Deep Learning For Gophers Speed up the monolith
building a smart reverse proxy in Go
Go Lightning Talks
Come speak!
Event Speakers Start End


  The State of Go
What's new since Go 1.12
Francesc Campoy, Maartje Eyskens 09:00 09:30
  Functional Programming with Go Dylan Meeus 09:30 10:00
  Porting Go to NetBSD/arm64 Maya Rashish 10:00 10:30
  Build real-world gaming hardware with TinyGo
Make toys and other contraptions that run on Go
Daniel Esteban 10:30 11:00
  Diversity, Finally Ronna Steinberg 11:00 11:30
  From Go to Kubernetes CRDs and Back
Workflow for building strongly typed APIs
Stefan Schimanski 11:30 12:00
  Deterministic debugging with Delve
And the state of Delve
Derek Parker 12:00 12:30
  Classify things in Go: the easy way.
Building classifiers quickly with the community contributions.
Sheimy Rahman 12:30 13:00
  Dragons of CGO
Hard-learned Lessons from Writing Go Wrappers
K.S. Bhaskar 13:00 13:30
  Advanced debugging techniques of Go code Andrii Soldatenko 13:30 14:00
  Debug code generation in Go Jaana Dogan 14:00 14:30
  Uplift your Linux systems programming skills with systemd and D-Bus
Practical examples and best practices on how to leverage systemd and D-Bus in Go
Leonid Vasilyev 14:30 15:00
  Deep Learning For Gophers Rashmi Nagpal 15:00 15:30
  Speed up the monolith
building a smart reverse proxy in Go
Alessio Caiazza 15:30 16:00
  Go Lightning Talks
Come speak!
16:00 17:00