Get your decentralized project some EU funding
EU calls free software developers for "Future Hyper-connected Sociality"
- Track: Decentralised Internet and Privacy devroom
- Room: H.1301 (Cornil)
- Day: Sunday
- Start: 09:30
- End: 10:00

Free software projects for decentralization have been plagued with a lack of funding. We set up the Public Universal Base: Libre Infrastructure Consortium to respond to EU calls and bring funding to our community. We'll show you how to participate in the project and get some funding for your free software social media project.
For over five years, a group of people have been working on ways to amplify and coordinate action of free software projects in Europe in the field of decentralized and distributed social media. From the P2P Meeting in Berlin, 2012, to the Umbrella project that gave birth to the Center for Cultivation of Technology, we've made serious advances towards our goal to find sustainable ways to promote and fund critical free software projects for the Federation, P2P social media, and privacy-by-design projects.
It's now time to bring EU funding to free software! With H2020/ICT-28 EU call for "Future Hyper-connected Sociality", we have a serious opportunity to bring funding to our community. We've setup the Public Universal Base: Libre Infrastructure Consortium (PUBLIC) to respond to ICT-28. PUBLIC is an EU Consortium to promote adoption of free software in Europe to build a lasting public infrastructure.
In this presentation we propose to introduce the EU consortium and our goals, and to explain how free software projects can participate to boost their finances. Via a procedure of "Open Calls", PUBLIC will be able to distribute funding to selected projects. We'll tell you how to best respond to those calls. We'll ask from you how to best frame the project to respond to your needs.
Outline: - What is ICT-28 - What is PUBLIC & PUBLIC's goal - Open Calls & how to respond to them - Questions
hellekin (how) |
- H2020 Work Programme 2018-2020
- Placeholder for the PUBLIC site
- EU Migration Project Group
- Our work platform
- PUBLIC Coordinator
- PUBLIC Preliminary Presentation
- Technique en liberté, présentation au Capitole du Libre
- Video recording (mp4)
- Video recording (WebM/VP9)
- Cited Book: Jacob Rabinowitz, "The Unholy Bible"
- Submit feedback