Tristan Nitot

Tristan Nitot, 50, is an entrepreneur, author and hacktivist. He is now Chief Product Officer of the French Cozy Cloud Start-up, who builds an open-source personal Cloud. Tristan has been involved with the Mozilla project (Firefox) for 17 years. Tristan has published a book called Surveillance:// in October 2016 about privacy in the digital age.
Tristan Nitot, 50, is an entrepreneur, author and hacktivist. He is now Chief Product Officer of the French Cozy Cloud Start-up, who builds an open-source personal Cloud. Tristan has been involved with the Mozilla project (Firefox) since its launch in 1997 and founded Mozilla Europe, for which he was a president. Tristan has published a book called Surveillance:// in October 2016 about privacy in the digital age. Tristan was a member of the French National Digital Council (CNNum) and is now a member of the prospective committee of the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL) since September 2015.