Bareos - Backup Archiving REcovery Open Sourced - Overview
- Track: Backup and Disaster Recovery devroom
- Room: AW1.121
- Day: Saturday
- Start: 12:45
- End: 13:40

Bareos (Backup Archiving Recovery Open Sourced) is a reliable, cross-network open source software for backup and recovery of data for a large set of operating systems (Linux, Unix, Windows, MacOS). This presentation will give an overview about what Bareos is and how to use its components. It will also highlight the latest stable features and present the roadmap for the next release.
The Bareos project stated in 2010 as a fork of Bacula. Since then, lots of features have been introduced or enhanced, like Python-Plugin-Interface, VMware Plugin, Always Incremental, SCSI Crypto support, bareos-webui ...
This presentation will give a general overview about what Bareos is and how it can be used.
It will highlight some of the unique features, tells what is currently in development and the roadmap for the next releases.
Jörg Steffens |