Brussels / 1 & 2 February 2014


The LDBC Social Graph Data Generator

Graph Query Benchmarking to the next level

The Linked Data Benchmark Council (LDBC) is an initiative to develop industry-grade database benchmarks. This talk focuses on the activities of its Social Network Benchmark (SNB) task force of LDBC, which developed an advanced graph generator during past year which creates a huge social graph with realistic correlations between structure and data. The datasets it generates will be tested by three different workloads (interactive, BI, graph anatytics), that I will shortly outline.

talk will cover: - mission of LDBC in general and the social network benchmark task force in specific - the LDBC social network graph generator; * schema, data examples * how it generates correlated data * technical information - benchmarks that use it: * interactive workload: many small graph queries and updates * business intelligence workloads: grouping, counting, subqueries and graph navigation * graph analytics: algorithms (not queries) that analyze graphs (e.g. clustering, pagerank, etc)


Peter Boncz
