FOSDEM is the biggest free and non-commercial event organized by and for the community. Its goal is to provide Free and Open Source developers a place to meet. No registration necessary.


Spike Morelli

Event Track Day Room Start time Duration
I'm Going M.A.D. System Track Saturday Janson 16:00 00:50

Spike started as a web developer, then got into backend development that took him closer to systems, which he moved onto quite soon when beginning his career as system engineer. After a couple years spent on the core aspects of system administration, he started focusing more on networking and enjoying the challenges posed by large infrastructures.

This took him to explore virtualization technologies, fundamental for R&D and testing, and systems management's centralization and automation. He has a strong interest for database technologies, and contributes to db's management whenever possible, although not in a vest of a DBA. He also does a fair amount of programming, mostly RESTful API services written in Python to integrate with system components and is fond of SCRUM and agile development.

On a personal basis he enjoys programming and working on information visualization.