Printable Schedule
A printable schedule (PDF) is now available. We will also print it out and make it available on boards around the venue, and it will also be available (in more verbose form) in the booklet you can get for free at the Infodesk. But if you prefer to have your own copy around, feel free to download and print. It is also quite handy to have an overview of the 300+ talks scheduled for FOSDEM 2010 !
Main Track Program released
The list of Main Track speakers for FOSDEM 2010 is almost complete and officially announced today, even though the website does not contain all the speaker bios and abstracts yet.
The keynotes will be highly interesting and entertaining, as always:
- Brooks Davis discussing the Promotion of Open Source Methods at a Large Company,
- Richard Clayton talking about evil things, and
- Greg Kroah-Hartman, teaching us how to write and submit your first Linux kernel patch.
Check out the almost full Main Tracks Program here.
Android, iPhone and maemo developers wanted
We a currently coding a schedule-application for the Android platform. This application will have the following features: (all off-line)
- list the lectures, ltalks and stands
- show the details/abstract of a lecture
- select favorites so you can find your selection back easily
- search for lectures based on strings in the title/abstract
- find the right room easily using a map (todo)
- alert you when your favorite lectures start (todo)
- update the list of lectures trough the web (todo)
- data-input is currently JSON based (still working on converting XML to JSON using XSLT)
The code is based on the googleio2009 application. If you're an Android developer and want to help please contact Christophe. In the spirit of this conference there is probably no need to say it's opensource code.
iPhone, maemo and other developers can also contact Christophe if they'd like to write an (opensource) application for their device. He will assist you where necessary and give you an XML or a JSON database of the lectures.
FOSDEM 2010: 6+7 February 2010
6 and 7 February 2010
Feedback from previous edition
We had 193 visitors giving feedback using the FOSDEM 2009 feedback form.
During the post-FOSDEM debriefing the FOSDEM staff processed the comments and consolidated all the remarks below.