FOSDEM '09 is a free and non-commercial event organized by the community, for the community. Its goal is to provide Free and Open Source developers a place to meet.


Speaker: Andrea Florio

Event Track Day Room Start time Duration
openSUSE education openSUSE Sunday H.2214 10:00 00:45

Andrea Florio

Andrea is an openSUSE member, coordinator of the Italian localization team, administrator of the openSUSE-Education project as well as maintaining packages at Packman

Andrea was born in Brindisi (Italy) in 1987 and has tried a lot of distributions like Ubuntu, Fedora, Mandriva and so on, but openSUSE 10.1 was his first love and after that, he immediately started to read, and ask for help until in 2006 he started to help and to actively contribute to the openSUSE community.

Apart from being an openSUSE member, je is now involved in the Italian localization team (starting as translator and later as coordinator), maintains several packages in the Packman package repository and became openSUSE-Education administrator last year.