2006 Edition Free and Open Source Software Developer's European Meeting


Crispin Cowan

Architect of the AppArmor Project



Crispin Cowan was the CTO and founder of Immunix, Inc., recently acquired by Novell. Dr. Cowan now works as a security architect for Novell with respect to security for the Linux platform and applications that Novell offers for Linux, and with particular attention to the AppArmor product that came with the Immunix acquisition. Dr. Cowan developed several host security/survivability technologies under DARPA funding, including prominent technologies like the StackGuard compiler defense against buffer overflows. Dr. Cowan also co-invented the "time-to-patch" method of assessing when it is safe to apply a security patch. Prior to founding Immunix, he was a professor with the Oregon Graduate Institute, Department of Computer Science and Engineering. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Western Ontario and a Masters of Mathematics from the University of Waterloo.

Title of the talk

Novell AppArmor: Application Security for Linux
Website http://
Talk slides slides.apparmor.sxi

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