[ 15-02-2006 ] Main tracks schedule is online
Finally, the list of all speakers and subjects for the main tracks is available on our website.
[ 30-01-2006 ] LPI exams
There are lots of people registering for the LPI exams. That is great, since for the 3 best scores, the exam fee will be refunded by a sponsor.
Many of you are also asking us which exams will be available. Currently only the LPIC-1 exams will be available, both of them, so that people can get their 101 and 102 certificate at FOSDEM.
[ 13-11-2005 ] Call for Presence: Devrooms and Stands
Check out all information on thepress page.
[ 28-10-2005 ] FOSDEM 2006 on the road
This will take place at the usual location (the ULB) during the Feb 25 and 26 2006. Once again, you'll have the opportunity to listen to great speakers talking about lots of various stuffs.
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