Latest news:
OpenMosix developers' room
Thxn! [ 23-02-2004 ]
We would like to thank everybody who visited the openMosix Summit yesterday.
Please watch the openMosix website for Pictures, Presentations and Video Recordings.
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Java developers' room
Free Java DevRoom Schedule online! [ 21-02-2004 ]
The official schedule is online!
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Mozilla developers' room
Mozilla Europe officially organizes the Mozilla Developers room [ 17-02-2004 ]
Mozilla Europe went public today and announced their presence at FOSDEM. Axel Hecht will be organizing the Mozilla developer's room on behalf of Mozilla Europe. Please drop him a note if you plan to come, axel at pike dot org.
See the corresponding press release.
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Tcl developers' room
Tcl/Tk at FOSDEM 2004 [ 16-02-2004 ]
Tcl/Tk Developer's Room at FOSDEM 2004 - Friday Feeding Frenzy, Final Schedule
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Embedded softwares room
Program Embedded at Fosdem 2004 [ 16-02-2004 ]
Program available for 2004
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OpenMosix developers' room
Schedule Available [ 15-02-2004 ]
the openMosix Summit 2004, will organise it's conferences on sunday afternoon in
the Janson auditorium
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