[ 22-12-2003 ]
Why unofficial talks
You're working on a cool project and you want people to know about it ?
LightningTalks @ Fosdem2004: Call for Papers
1. Description
A Lightning Talk is a very short presentation of a software project in 15 minutes maximum. So the presentation should be very sharp, small and clear. For example, this presentation has last less than 10 minutes. Presentations only about free software projects will be accepted.
The presentation should be presented in English. You can send a mail to us
2. Organisation
The organisators of the LightningTalks reserves the rights to reject your presentation if the presentation is not relevant or does not fit to the main goals of the session.
You should send your presentation by email (to lightning@fosdem.org) before Friday 20 february @ 13h00.
There will be two moderators that will monitor time, keep the list of the talks that are programmed. We will provide a portable computer and a vga projector.
3. When ?
The initial idea is that the session with the LightningTalks will happen on Sunday morning, during approx 4 hours... So 4 presentations per hour, 16 projects (or more, it depends of motivated people...). If there are too many projects, maybe we will find another time slot in the afternoon.
4. Where?
In a room dedicated to that ... more information later
5. Contacts
Email: lightning@fosdem.org
6. More information ?
Visit our wiki page.
