
[ 12-06-2003 ] Videos and audios
As you all know, FOSDEM sessions were recorded and it has been said that they would be available in streaming and/or download.
Right now, you can download videos and audios from the AEL site.
Not all of them are already there, but check the site from time to time.
[ 11-03-2003 ] Slides and other stuffs
Our speakers sent us links to their slides and tutorials. So go and grab :
Jimmac image from his tutorial
Slides about libqsearch from Phil Biondi
Solar Designer's slides
Brian King session's slides
Prelude's slides
GnomeMeeting slides are available
Tobias Hunger's Fresco slides are available
Maddog's slides
... and the latest ones available are the embedded ones
[ 04-02-2003 ] Wireless Connectivity at Fosdem
The infrastructure in place will be based on OpenAccessPoints (http://openap.instant802.com) with roaming capabilities.
SlottedWaveGuides antennas will provide good signal in nearly each room. Do not forget to take your wireless card with you and to install a dhcp client.
If you need help about wireless connectivity during the event, Benjamin Henrion will be at the Infodesk to help you.
[ 03-02-2003 ] Embedded & Kernel Development Room
Schedule is now available: go and check the presentation page of this developers room!
[ 31-01-2003 ] The FOSDEM contest
Some weeks ago, we started a desktop background image contest. The rules are really simple : people can create a cool FOSDEM oriented picture ! Submitting an image is very easy : go and read our contest information on how to do that.
The FOSDEM registered users can vote for the background of their choice. They can even change their vote when they want ... so make a visit of our gallery to vote or change your vote.
[ Next screen ]


Special announcement |

FOSDEM 2003 will take place on February 8 - 9 2003 in Brussels... |

FOSDEM search |

Contest |

Best background:

Create the coolest Fosdem background design and win cool stuffs... More info |

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