
How to promote us ...
Here after you will find some FOSDEM ads ... feel free to use them to promote the event.
You will find here flyers to print and banners to add to your personal site in order to reference FOSDEM. Feel free to use them and send us a mail so we can talk about as well!Flyers for you to print:Big flyer: A one page flyer
Double flyers: 2 flyers per page
Banners for your site:This banner has been made by Benjamin Jorand, a FOSDEM site visitor's:

A nice one, from Argon7:

Another nice one from Argon7... in vertical:

... or will you choose the gray one ??? (still Argon7 made):

They promote Fosdem:A-A-P: The super-packaging system's homepage shows our banner. Its project leader, also author of Vim, will be present af FOSDEM 2003.
GnomeMeeting: The ultimate video-conferencing solution
Gothic: The Belgian Gothic community has our banner
Knudde.Be: A reader's site
Linux Charleroi: THe Charleroi Linux team
Linux MONS: A belgian LUG
Linux Usergroup West-Vlaanderen: This belgian LUG displays our banner
LinuxDebutant: This french linux help site is randomly displaying our banner
Louvain-Li-nux: The Louvain-la-neuve (Belgium) Linux user group has our banner on its site.
Mozilla: The Mozilla developers website has our banner ! And they will be at the FOSDEM !
Namur LUG: The Namur Linux User Group
Openstuff: Low-cost stuffs for european geeks
OSNews.Com: The news site will display our banner.
phpFrance: A french PHP site
PROSlinux.org: PROSLinux is a FRENCH OpenSource based News site wich bring you real New News.
UnixTech: The Belgian Linux portal has our banner on rotation
Zeus: This academic belgian site has our banner


Special announcement |

FOSDEM 2003 will take place on February 8 - 9 2003 in Brussels... |

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Best background:

Create the coolest Fosdem background design and win cool stuffs... More info |

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