
Bruegel Youth Hostel
Heilig Geeststraat, 2
1000 Brussel
Tél : +32.2.5110436
Fax : +32.2.5120711
[ Click here ] to visit their website (if any)
In short : Hotel renewed, modern, a bit dark. Animated area
Direct connexion by bus, not far from historical center
CHAB : Centre Van Gogh
Rue Traversière, 8
1210 Bruxelles
Tél : +32.2.2170158
Fax : +32.2.2197995
[ Click here ] to visit their website (if any)
In short : Old hotel, but very good rooms in the second part (in front). Direct connection to FOSDEM by tramway. Near turkish area, so animated.
Gite d'Etape Youth Hostel
Rue de la Sablonnière, 30
1000 Bruxelles
TEL +32-2-2180187
FAX +32-2-2172005
[ Click here ] to visit their website (if any)
In short : Nice central YH, next to Metro Madou
Sleep Well Youth Hostel
Rue du Damier, 23
1000 Bruxelles
Tél : +32.2.2185050
Fax : +32.2.2181313
[ Click here ] to visit their website (if any)
In short : Modern hotel, with lots of people. Good position for metro/bus.
Youth Hostel "Generation Europe"
Olifantstraat 4 Rue de l'Elephant
1080 Brussels
TEL +32-2-4103858
FAX +32-2-4103905
[ Click here ] to visit their website (if any)
In short : A recently renovated YH, about 35 min. from Fosdem by bus or tram.
And this is our last hotel suggestion


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