
[ 27-01-2003 ] Key signing party
Check out here to know what to do to come at the key signing event organised by the AEL.
This will take place in the introduction speaches room (Janson), sunday from 12h00 to 14h00
[ 16-01-2003 ] Schedule is available
Our schedule is available in the schedule section ... some change still may occurs, but it should remain 'stable' untill FOSDEM.
[ 04-12-2002 ] The FOSDEM desktop background contest.
The FOSDEM team is proud to announce you its first drawing contest.
You have the opportunity to create coolest pictures being 'Fosdem compliant'. You have to be registered on the FOSDEM site to submit pictures and registered users will vote for the background of their choice, and will have the availability to change their vote.
There will be some cool prizes, but we still don't know what ;-)
[ 21-11-2002 ] The FOSDEM site has a member zone
A member zone is now available on the Fosdem site. This member zone gives you access to Forums, where you can ask questions, give answers, help, ...
Within weeks, this member zone will also help you to participate in the other activitites organized by the Fosdem Team.
So to be sure to register, do it now and do not let anyone else take your nick ;-)
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Special announcement |

FOSDEM 2003 will take place on February 8 - 9 2003 in Brussels... |

FOSDEM search |

Contest |

Best background:

Create the coolest Fosdem background design and win cool stuffs... More info |

Sponsors corner |
