Brussels / 4 & 5 February 2023


Douglas Smith

Photo of Douglas Smith

Doug Smith is a Principal Software Engineer for OpenShift Engineering at Red Hat. Focusing on Network Function Virtualization and container technologies, Doug integrates new networking technologies with container systems like Kubernetes and OpenShift. He is the chair of the Network Plumbing Working Group and a contributor to OpenShift, Multus CNI, and Whereabouts IPAM CNI. He loves knitting together networks using Kubernetes and CNI! Check out Doug's blog @ for some more tidbits.


Title Day Room Track Start End
CNI 2.0: Vive la révolution Saturday H.2215 (Ferrer) Lightning Talks 17:20 17:35
CNI Automagic: Device discovery for semantic network attachment in Kubernetes Sunday H.1301 (Cornil) Network 15:15 15:45