PharoJS Project is mainly developed by Noury Bouraqadi & Dave Mason.
Keep tuned on Nootrix for news on PharoJS!
PharoJS is a set of tools and libraries (MIT license) to develop JavaScript applications from Pharo. The passage in production consists in converting this code to obtain in fine a JavaScript application. PharoJS allows to develop in Pharo applications executable by NodeJS or a web browser. We code in Pharo, then generate JavaScript for servers and web clients, as well as iOS and Android smartphones. It is possible to reuse and seamlessly integrate libraries from both the JavaScript and Pharo worlds. View Video
PyBridge allows a bidirectional communication between Pharo and Python, where it enables Python to use Pharo, and Pharo to use Python. View Video
Blockchain technology has been by for more than ten years already, and want it or not is changing our lives and the way we interact, and it will probably keep on doing it.
In Pharo community we spent time doing bridges to bind with Ethereum platform in many ways. View Video
Fog is our base library for interacting with ethereum. It counts with a nice documentation, on implementation and on API.
Fog achieves a transparent interaction with remote Contracts, and a high level of data instrospection.
Thanks to the large knowledge of the Ethereum internals we are able to navigate the database comprehensibly and deeply.
Ethereum and blockchain databases in general proof to generate large amounts of data. These reality ease the possibilities of losing highly important key information (such as tracing transactions or specific accounts hash numbers) on a sea of data.
UQLL is a query language based on the indexation of specific data along the different epochs of Ethereum that allows simple semantic query over semanticless contextes.
UQLL unlocks the indexing not only of specific accounts and dates, but also the indexing of specific contracts and contract’s values.