Online / 5 & 6 February 2022


Juan Julián Merelo

Photo of Juan Julián Merelo


Title Day Room Track Start End
Class learning analytics with Raku
How Raku helps improve learning in a cloud computing class at the University of Granada
Saturday D.raku Raku 12:35 13:00
GitHub Actions (in|for) Raku
Containerizing Raku for testing and other automation tasks
Saturday D.raku Raku 15:45 16:35
Raku Steering Council Q&A Panel
RSC members to answer live questions.
Saturday D.raku Raku 16:35 17:35
The manifold joys of metaprogramming
In Raku and elsewhere...
Sunday D.minimalistic Declarative and Minimalistic Computing 10:15 10:45
From microrepos to monorepo: thrilling adventures in refactoring
On how to tame, and accelerate, builds and tests in a 25 module monorepo
Sunday D.javascript JavaScript 15:30 16:00