David Ludovino

"General-purpose developer"©™ with too many interests: P2P networks, embedded systems, computer graphics, cryptocurrencies, security. Lately working on the Android graphics stack for Replicant.
My work and expertise oscillates between two poles: the very big (computer networks) and the very small (embedded systems). Having a good grasp of computer architectures, I feel at home where software meets the metal, being it microcontroller programming or tuning an algorithm to squeeze out all the performance out of a processor (general purpose or not). On the other hand, I've always had a fascination for peer-to-peer (P2P) networks, that eventually spun to anonymity overlay networks, cryptocurrencies and many other decentralized systems. I am fluent in network protocols and distributed systems concepts. Once in a while, I also take a small incursions into computer security, when I team up with friends for CTF challenges.
Title | Day | Room | Track | Start | End |
Replicant Meetup Meeting for the Replicant community |
Saturday | J.1.106 | BOFs (Track A - in J.1.106) | 16:00 | 17:30 |