Brussels / 3 & 4 February 2018


Juan Julián Merelo

Photo of Juan Julián Merelo

JJ Merelo is a Perl user since 1993. He has used it continously at his day job as professor at the University of Granada, contributed to CPAN since 2001 and participated in two YAPC conferences talking about evolutionary algorithms in Perl and organised YAPC 2015. He's known to engage people who say that other languages are better than Perl, specially those who, besides, think that vim is better than emacs. Recently published a book about Perl 6.



Title Day Room Track Start End
LitOps: literature-as-software
Briging DevOps culture to the creation and production of books
Saturday H.2215 (Ferrer) Lightning Talks 17:40 17:55
Testing for testing
Using CI in the classroom
Sunday K.4.601 Perl Programming Languages 11:40 12:20