Mozilla Open Source Support (MOSS)
How Mozilla is helping open source projects like yours
- Track: Mozilla devroom
- Room: UA2.118 (Henriot)
- Day: Saturday
- Start: 10:30
- End: 11:00
Please note that this talk has been cancelled as Gervase Markham is no longer able to attend due to sickness. Our apologies for this inconvenience.
Mozilla Open Source Support (MOSS) is Mozilla's program for supporting open source projects financially and with security audits. Find out about our successes so far, and how you can apply for help for your project.
There are 3 main tracks in MOSS - "Foundational Technology" for projects Mozilla already uses, "Mission Partners" for projects doing work in line with Mozilla's mission, and "Secure Open Source", where we provide professional code-read security audits for key pieces of open source software.
So if your software is used by Mozilla in any way (part of Firefox, deployed in our infra, used on desktops, or any other way you can think of), or if your project does something you think furthers Mozilla's mission (check the manifesto, and our current work and where we are focussed), and money would help you do what you do better or faster, you should find out about MOSS and consider applying. We don't accept applications directly for the Secure Open Source track, but you are welcome to come and make your case to the presenter as to why giving your project a free code-read security audit from a professional audit firm would make the world a better place.
So, come to the presentation to find out about our successes so far, our plans for the future, and how you can apply for help for your project.
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Gerv Markham |