Roman Shaposhnik

Roman Shaposhnik is a Director of Open Source strategy at Pivotal, VP of Technology for ODPi at Linux Foundation and a Member of Apache Software Foundation. He used to work for Sun microsystems but nowadays is typically seen hacking on Apache Hadoop ecosystem big data projects.
Roman is a committer on Apache Hadoop, co-creator of Apache Bigtop and contributor to various other Hadoop ecosystem projects. He is also an ASF member and a former Chair of Apache Incubator. In his copious free time he managed to co-author "Practical Graph Analytics with Apache Giraph" and he also posts to twitter as @rhatr. Roman has been involved in Open Source software for more than a decade and hacked projects ranging from Linux kernel to FFmpeg multimedia library. He loves good beer and fights against American led IPA invasion one seidla at a time.
Title | Day | Room | Track | Start | End |
Postgres MPP Data Warehousing joins Hadoop ecosystem Making two elephants dance |
Saturday | H.2213 | HPC, Big Data and Data Science | 16:00 | 16:25 |