Mansimar Kaur

I'm a junior year pursuing a B.E. in Computer Engineering at the University of Delhi, India. I have been selected for the Round 13 of Outreachy (the successor of the Outreach Program for Women (OPW)) as a Mozilla intern. Being an ardent open source enthusiast, I have contributed to Kinto - a minimalist JSON storage service and Brackets -a code editor by Adobe and also have a string of self-projects that I'm proudly maintaining.
As part of my Outreachy internship, I will be working on developing a push notification service for Kinto. I have also been the lead web developer at Clado - an online rental company. I am a Web Developer working with the various societies of my college. As part of my role for one of the societies, I'm also mentoring a group pf juniors and colleagues and helping them venture into the field of web devlopment and open source development. I'm a person with a strong belief that knowledge increases by sharing, and what better platform than FOSDEM to grasp the immense ocean of the knowledge that everyone attending the event will bring along while I also get to share my little nibbles of knowledge and experience.
Title | Day | Room | Track | Start | End |
Webpush notifications for Kinto | Saturday | H.1308 (Rolin) | Python | 12:30 | 13:00 |