Manrique Lopez

Business and marketing developer at Bitergia, one of company's stakeholders and open source communities passionate.
After graduating as Industrial Engineering and started a doctorate in computer science, has gone through the Technological Center for Computer Science and Communications of the Principality of Asturias (CTIC), participating in W3C working groups. Later director of innovation at Ándago Engineering after leading the health and wellness area of innovation and co-responsible for the technical group of Continua health Alliance.
After a brief stint in the world of start-ups, has started his career as a specialist consultant working primarily with business projects related to the world of free / open source software. Involved in several communities related to the free / open source software like Maemo/Meego, Mozilla Connected Devices Madrid, Bilbao Google Developers Group, etc.
Title | Day | Room | Track | Start | End |
Data Science for Community management | Sunday | UD2.119 (Moved from AW1.124) | Community | 09:35 | 10:10 |