Holden Karau

Holden Karau is co-author of multiple books on Apache Spark, including "High Performance Spark" and "Learning Spark", as well as a frequent contributor to Spark for the past 3 years.
Holden Karau is transgender Canadian, and an active open source contributor. When not in San Francisco working as a software development engineer at IBM's Spark Technology Center, Holden talks internationally on Spark and holds office hours at coffee shops at home and abroad. Holden is a co-author of numerous books on Spark including High Performance Spark (which she believes is the gift of the season for those with expense accounts) & Learning Spark. She makes frequent contributions to Spark, specializing in PySpark and Machine Learning. Prior to IBM she worked on a variety of distributed, search, and classification problems at Alpine, Databricks, Google, Foursquare, and Amazon. She graduated from the University of Waterloo with a Bachelor of Mathematics in Computer Science. Outside of software she enjoys playing with fire, welding, scooters, poutine, and dancing.
Title | Day | Room | Track | Start | End |
Extending Spark Machine Learning Pipelines Going beyond wordcount with Spark ML |
Saturday | H.2213 | HPC, Big Data and Data Science | 14:25 | 14:35 |