Carolina Arias Muñoz

Ing. Carolina Arias Munoz obtained a Bachelor degree in Environmental Engineering at Medellin University 2006 and an MSc degree in Environmental and Geomatic Engineering at Politecnico di Milano in 2012. She is an Associate Professor in San Buenaventura University in Colombia since 2007, working and teaching on the fields of environmental planning and Geographical Information Systems GIS. Since November 2013 Ph.D. student at the Hydroinformatics Lab ( Politecnico di Milano. Her research activity is focused on Spatial Data Infrastructures SDI and Geospatial Web Services, Environmental Big Geo-data and Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial Applications FOSS4G. Her MSc thesis was about geospatial web services for limnological data, a case study of sensor observation service for ecological observations. On her Ph.D. thesis, she is focusing on exploring the subject of Big Geo-data management, from storing to visualisation. She is a Charter member of OSGeo organization and a member of the organizing committee of FOSS4G Europe 2015.
Research interests: - Spatial analysis - Big Geo data - Web GIS (Geoserver, OpenLayers) - Geonode - Web Processing Service WPS, WCPS - Crowdsourcing - Sensor Observation Service SOS - Spatial Data Infrastructures SDI - Water resources management ( data )
Title | Day | Room | Track | Start | End |
Find the best place in the city Using City Focus, a web based 2D/3D GIS |
Sunday | H.2214 | Geospatial | 11:00 | 11:25 |