OpenHMD Meetup
Meeting for the OpenHMD community
- Track: BOFs (Track A - in H.3227)
- Room: H.3227
- Day: Saturday
- Start: 16:00
- End: 17:00

OpenHMD is a community building full open source drivers for different type of VR devices such as the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, PSVR and others. Since we found out quite a bunch of our contributors are attending this event, we would like to take this opportunity to meet up to have development and design discussions, but also to introduce new people to our project, and even help out reverse engineering new devices, or help out implementing OpenHMD in other projects!
This meeting is for everyone interested in our project and community, discuss things like VR in Open Source, multi platform development, application integration, device support and anything related in general.
For questions poke us on channel #openhmd
TheOnlyJoey |