Cloud Native Java Development
Patterns and Principles for Designing Kubernetes Applications
- Track: Linux Containers and Microservices devroom
- Room: UA2.220 (Guillissen)
- Day: Sunday
- Start: 12:55
- End: 13:05

Kubernetes is awesome! But what does it takes for a Java developer to design, implement and run Cloud Native applications? In this session, we will look at Kubernetes from a user point of view and demonstrate how to consume it effectively. We will discover which concerns Kubernetes addresses and how it helps to develop highly scalable and resilient Java applications.
In more details, we will explore the following patterns and principles:
- Containerizing Applications
- Interacting with Kubernetes
- Observable Interior
- Life Cycle Conformance
- Dynamic Placement
- Declarative Deployment
- Centralized Configurations
- Service Discovery & Load Balancing
- Scheduled Batch Job
- Singleton Service
- Resiliency with Kubernetes
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Bilgin Ibryam |