Fotis Georgatos

Fotis Georgatos is an experienced Computer Engineer, training users and sysadmins in Scientific Computing for more than a decade.
In the context of Systems Administration and Networks Management, Fotis has been promoting Open Source since the early 90s. He is the original initiator of Filesystem-, Hellenic- & Coffee-HOWTOs, on top of a series of online websites and articles on Open Source Software.
As a Systems Engineer, Fotis has taken active roles in the early days setting up projects and infrastructures at RIPE NCC (Test Traffic Project), X/OS & Greenpeace (multiple assignments), Upstream Systems (m-voting). Since year 2003, his contracts are revolving around Scientific Computing and Big Science projects: activities & collaborations include: GRNET (EGEE-I, -II, -III, EUMEDGRID projects et al), Demokritos/NTUA (LCG/CrossGrid projects et al), ETH Zurich / CSCS (LHC Computing Grid, EGEE-*, Mt. Rosa commissioning), CaSToRC / CyI (LinkSCEEM & CyTera projects), meanwhile he is serving at present within University of Luxembourg's HPC team. What he considers as his biggest contribution of all, is the training of hundreds of scientists and researchers into new tools, which we didn't even know they would have existed a decade earlier (aspects of Grid & HPC technologies). If you run projects that are at the interplay of cutting-edge computing, systems & people, he would like to hear from you.
When Fotis is not atop solid land, he enjoys greatly sailing, preferably in windy Mediterranean seas. Occasionally, he may invent new sports, as means to counter-act the effects of screen forces. :)
It should be possible to trace his coordinates, by following this URL: