Brussels / 1 & 2 February 2014


re-using and re-targetting LibreOffice

liblibreoffice and other ways of re-using us

Come and hear how you can re-use LibreOffice's powerful functionality in a variety of settings: for document indexing, headless on a server, file format shifting, charting, and more.

LibreOffice has a ton of interesting and useful functionality, and a supposedly wonderful abstract component model. However in-practise re-using it for different purposes than a PC office suite is a real pain. Come and hear how we're overcoming this in various ways. Hear about our command-line format conversion avoiding remote control RPC issues. See how you can use liblibreoffice to bring a complete libreoffice into your process without a dependency and linking nightmare. Hear about our new tiled rendering and how it can be applied to new user interfaces.


Michael Meeks
