First video recordings uploaded!
We are pleased to announce that the first video recordings of FOSDEM 2012 have been uploaded to our master server; they should be available shortly as our mirrors synchronize with our main server. You can browse the contents through
Please note that this is only the first batch; there are many more videos to come. We will make an announcement when all videos have been uploaded; meanwhile, please bear with us as we continue with transcoding and fixing up of the remaining videos.
Video recordings
Our video team is hard at work to make the video recordings available. No news yet on exactly when they will appear online, but stay tuned!
For those of you interested in the technical aspect of the video streaming, have a look at .
PGP Keysigning participants list
The PGP Keysigning participants list is online.
Cold weather
The Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium is predicting exceptionally cold weather for Saturday and Sunday. As it will be cold outside, while possibly very warm in some devrooms, make sure your clothing has multiple layers. This way, you won't freeze to death or sweat like a pig. Hopefully.
Video streaming URLs
As previously announced, FOSDEM will be streaming video for a select number of our rooms, in WebM and Theora codecs.
LPI Item Writing Workshop on Sunday
LPI holds an open attendance item development workshop for the new exam "Linux Essentials" on Sunday. G. Matthew Rice, Director of Product Development at LPI, will guide this workshop.
For further information, please read the details here.
Mobile schedule apps
Mobile site
The online mobile schedule uses jQueryMobile 1.0a2 and hence supports all the platforms jQM does. It is pretty hefty (a bit over 600kb in size) but includes everything in that single URL, except the details about speakers and talks that are downloaded from the
site when consulted.
Betagroup Coworking invitation
there have been some requests from people attending FOSDEM that would like to go to the Betagroup Coworking to work on Friday and Monday. So they thought that it would be a good idea to host as many partcipants as they could... for
Please see details and signup info here: Space is limited and signup will be disabled when they reach their limit.
The FOSDEM venue grows
This year the ULB has kindly offered us the use of an additional new building on their campus. It's the K building and it's located on the other side of the parking from the Janson Lecture hall.
Meeting Rooms
This year, we will provide two meeting rooms (aka "BoF rooms") in the AW building. The idea here is that they are provided for unplanned or, rather, spontaneously planned and brief meetups.
Certification exams at FOSDEM 2012
LPI, BSDCG and TYPO3 will again provide FOSDEM attendees with the possibility of taking their respective certification exams.
Head over to this page for further details.
PGP Keysigning
If you participated in the keysigning event at FOSDEM 2012, but missed (parts of) the participant list hashes as they flashed by during the starting presentation, you should verify the hashes before signing any keys.
The hashes can now be downloaded from If there is a trust-path between you and the author, you should verify the file's detached signature using:
% gpg --verify ksp-fosdem2012-hashes.txt.asc ksp-fosdem2012-hashes.txt
Please complete your signing homework before Sunday 10 June 2012, and upload new signatures on your keys to a well-connected keyserver. New statistics of the density of the web of trust at FOSDEM will be published on that date.
Video streaming
Not coming to FOSDEM? Want to participate anyway? Do not despair! This year, the FOSDEM team is proud to announce the availability of streaming video from a select number of our rooms, in cooperation with the DebConf video team.
Thanks to the support of Fluendo, we'll be able to provide you with Ogg Theora and WebM versions of our streams.
Details on where and how to access these streams will be posted later as FOSDEM draws nearer. Watch this space!
Job Corner
Companies will be again able to inform visitors about open source employment or contracting opportunities in our "job corner" at FOSDEM 2012.
There are some rules on what is permissible, as outlined below, but most important is to use your common sense.
FOSDEM 2012 in preparation
4 and 5 February 2012
Please bear with us as we update our infrastructure for the 2012 edition.
The call for main track speakers will be announced soon!
Check this website or subscribe to the RSS feed to stay informed.
The FOSDEM staff
FOSDEM Beer Event
As every year, there will be a FOSDEM beer event on Friday night before FOSDEM (February 3rd 2012).
This year's event will again take place at the Delirium Café, in a beautiful alley near the Grand'Place in Brussels. In addition to the enormous variety in beers, the location also has enough room to accommodate the vast crowd of geeks we tend to be.
Delirium Security will again help us keep this area FOSDEM-only. If you meet a guard at the entrance to the bar, make it clear to him that you are there for the FOSDEM party. Wearing appropriately geeky attire tends to do the trick, as does mentioning the name FOSDEM.
Certification Exams
Certification exam sessions will again be offered at FOSDEM 2012.
The Linux Professional Institute, the BSD Certification Group and TYPO3 will organize exam sessions during FOSDEM 2012. Interested candidates can now register for exams with the respective certification groups.
The schedule for the exam sessions is also available now.
We just archived the FOSDEM 2011 edition website. If you still need to find the pages from previous editions check out our archive site:
FOSDEM Video Recordings
Video recordings of talks held at FOSDEM editions 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 are available in direct download on and in streamed format on
Please always use the URL when linking to the files. This way we can prevent dead links if mirrors change.
Thanks to Google/YouTube, Belnet, HEAnet, AARNET, and GeekSoc for hosting them and NamurLUG for recording and encoding.
Breakfast will be available on Saturday and Sunday from 08:30 at a very reasonable price. Sipping on a nice cup of coffee with a fresh croissant or pastry with butter/raisins/chocolate. Can you imagine a better start of the day?