Mike Hommey
Event | Track | Day | Room | Start time | Duration |
Improving Firefox startup time on Android | Mozilla Devroom | Sunday | UD2.218A | 10:00 | 00:30 |

I am Mike Hommey. Despite the english sounding name, I'm not of english descent, and am actually french. My native language is thus french, english comes second, followed by japanese, and tiny bits of spanish.
I have been using GNU/Linux operating systems since 1995, and didn't change distribution since I switched to Debian GNU/Linux in 1999. I got my first package in the Debian archive in 2003 and after a long time in the NM queue, became a Debian Developer in 2005.
I started sending patches to the Firefox (then renamed from Phoenix to Firebird) maintainer for Debian in 2003, uploaded my first Release Critical bugs fixing Non-Maintainer Upload in 2004 and officially became co-maintainer later the same year. Time flies, and I'm now the sole maintainer of Iceweasel (rebranded Firefox) and Iceape (rebranded Seamonkey) for Debian.
My involvement as a Debian Developer makes me a relatively long time Mozilla contributor, but I only requested and obtained level 3 commit access in spring 2010. I started contracting for Mozilla Corporation later in 2010, and have since become an employee, member of the performance team, working on various aspects of startup performance.
I am also co-developer of vmfs-tools, and developer of some other things that are pretty much dead, now.