FOSDEM is the biggest free and non-commercial event organized by and for the community. Its goal is to provide Free and Open Source developers a place to meet. No registration necessary.


Holger Levsen

Event Track Day Room Start time Duration

Holger Levsen is a Debian developer, a DebConf organizer and founder of the
DebConf videoteam.

After attending DebConf3 (which was recorded, but kept unpublished) and
DebConf4 (which wasn't recorded) he decided to make sure that DebConf5 would
get recorded and the results published, so that the knowledge shared at these
conferences could be shared further. Luckily other people liked that idea and
so today holds recordings from eight years and

Besides DebConf his Debian focus is mostly targeted on Debian Edu (aka
Skolelinux) and since 2009 also on running, to make sure
all Debian packages follow policy.

He is located in Hamburg in northern Germany.