FOSDEM '10 is a free and non-commercial event organized by the community, for the community. Its goal is to provide Free and Open Source developers a place to meet. No registration necessary.


Speaker: Sergey Petrunya

Event Track Day Room Start time Duration
MariaDB: extra features that make it a better branch of MySQL Database Sunday Chavanne 15:00 00:45

Sergey Petrunya

Sergey Petrunia is a query optimizer developer at MariaDB.

Sergey Petrunia is a query optimizer developer at MariaDB. While at MariaDB, he has implemented Table Elimination feature and made improvements to build process. Prior to working at MariaDB, he has been a member of query optimizer team at Sun/MySQL. There he has implemented query optimizer features like index_merge access, partition pruning, semi-join subquery optimizations, and numerous smaller improvements. He maintains a technical blog at