FOSDEM '10 is a free and non-commercial event organized by the community, for the community. Its goal is to provide Free and Open Source developers a place to meet. No registration necessary.


Speaker: Ralph Meijer

Event Track Day Room Start time Duration
PubSub Gone Wild: Info Sharing at Mediamatic Jabber+XMPP Saturday H.2213 15:30 00:30

Ralph Meijer

Ralph Meijer is the Jabber Developer's Room chairman.

Ralph Meijer has been involved with the Jabber/XMPP community since late 2000 and has worked on prototyping new ideas in presenting and communicating information using Jabber. Most of these experiments revolve around publish-subscribe technologies for transporting information like extended presence and news, and have resulted in several Jabber protocol design contributions and services. He is also active in the Twisted project, actively developing its XMPP protocol implementation.

As member of the XMPP Standards Foundation, he actively evangelizes Jabber technologies by giving presentations and running booths at conferences. He is currently a member of the XMPP Council that oversees the XSF's standards process, and keeps a weblog which is syndicated at Planet Jabber.