FOSDEM '10 is a free and non-commercial event organized by the community, for the community. Its goal is to provide Free and Open Source developers a place to meet. No registration necessary.


Speaker: Guillaume Rousse

Event Track Day Room Start time Duration
The youri project Distributions Sunday H.1308 10:45 00:45

Guillaume Rousse

My name is Guillaume Rousse. I live in Paris. I'm a professional sysadmin, working in french national computer-science institute (INRIA).

I'm a longtime mandriva contributer, maintaining already way too much packages. I've also initiated the PLF project, aiming to provide legally-challenged packages Mandriva couldn't afford to distribute directly. And as I had still free time at hand (it was a long time ago), I've also been one of the founder of JPackage, a java package distribution project. As such, I'm quite familiar with the technical issues involved in building a packaging infrastucture.

When I'm not busy trying to have innocent newbies running 'rm -rf /var' commands on IRC, I'm usually trying to drown other newbies in cold water, as I'm a scuba diving instructor.