Schedule: Test and Documentation Driven Development

Olivier Grisel
Day Saturday
Room AW1.117
Start time 14:30
End time 15:30
Duration 01:00
Event type Podium
Track Python
Language English
Test and Documentation Driven Development

Test Driven Development using unittest and Documentation Driven Development using doctest.

The first part of the presentation introduces Test Driven Development in Python with the unittest module. TDD is a common eXtreme Programming strategy to dramatically enhanced the QA of a Python project.

The second part of the presentation focuses on the Python specific doctest module that allows pushing TDD to the next level: Documentation Driven Development.

We will show how to write runnable documentation that is used at all stages of the life of a python project:

  • technical specifications drafting of new features
  • testing ongoing implementation
  • introducing living examples to new developers
  • ensuring the documentation stays up-to-date when refactoring