Schedule: MoulinWiki

Renaud Gaudin
Day Saturday
Room Ferrer
Start time 17:40
End time 17:55
Duration 00:15
Event type Podium
Track Lightning Talks
Language English
Slides (PDF)

A lightning talk on Moulin, an offline version of Wikipedia.

A short description of what your lightning talk will be about: I'd like to explain the life-cycle of a project – specifically, the moulin project – from its conception, through its planning, financing, and development, up to its release into the community (local and global), through an NGO such as Geekcorps' perpective. I'd also like to add how an organization such as Geekcorps designs and delivers its projects for communities in the developing world.

About MoulinWiki:

moulin is a standalone (and live CD), offline version of the Wikipedia encyclopaedia specifically tailored for developing world.