Schedule: CCAPI2

Ulrich Staudinger
Day Sunday
Room Ferrer
Start time 14:00
End time 14:15
Duration 00:15
Event type Podium
Track Lightning Talks
Language English
Slides (PDF)

A lightning talk about CCAPI2, an algorithm trading platform.

The presentation will create in fifteen minutes a full trade system, that will be backtested against a prerecorded market situation. The outcome of this trading day is then presented and quickly discussed.

About CCAPI2:

The CCAPI2 is an algorithm trading plattform. With CCAPI2, users can create automated trade systems for trading stocks, futures, commodities and other financial instruments. The project contains forums, documentation, a mailing list and proper release cycles. At this time, seven more or less active developers take care of the 150 downloads per month.