Schedule: GNUstep for Embedded Devices

Nikolaus Schaller
Day Sunday
Room AW1.115
Start time 11:00
End time 12:00
Duration 01:00
Event type Podium
Track OpenGroupware + GNUstep
Language English
GNUstep for Embedded Devices

GNUstep for Embedded Devices e.g. Zaurus or Mobile Phones

The recent announcement of the Apple iPhone - which is reported to use Cocoa for the GUI - has again shown that Objective-C and the OpenSTEP system can really be used in embedded devices.

Topics to cover in this presentation:

  • why does one want to run GNUstep on embededed devices?
  • what is different on embedded devices?
  • what is needed to develop applications for embedded devices?
  • why is it currently run as a separate project (mySTEP)?
  • examples: Sharp Zaurus, Acer n30, Nokia N770, OpenMoko, ...