Schedule: eCos RTOS in commercial use

Alexander Neundorf
Day Sunday
Room AW1.126
Start time 16:00
End time 17:00
Duration 01:00
Event type Podium
Track Embedded
Language English
Slides (PDF)
eCos RTOS in commercial use

The eCos RTOS in commercial use - the digital camera back Eyelike eMotion

The Eyelike eMotion is a digital back for medium format cameras, available in variants with a 22 megapixel and a 33 megapixel sensor. In contrast to all other cameras developed by Jenoptik LOS before, it is a mobile camera and is intended to be used indepedent from a computer.

With these requirements a new platform was needed, more powerful than the 16bit microcontroller used exclusively until then. Due to the much increased complexity of the required firmware the need for an operating system arose. Some options were evaluated and eCos was selected.

eCos features employed in this project will be introduced. The development environment both on Linux and Windows as well as the software quality assurance means will be presented, organizational issues as well. Finally strong and weak areas of eCos will be discussed and future directions are shown.