[26-02-2004 19:53] Vansimpsen
Tanks. I now know that I'm not alone as teacher in my struggle for open source. Hoping that our Flemish Minister of Education soon will see the light......
[26-02-2004 00:25] Dimitri Vanoverbeke
First time visit, but I enjoyed it alot.
CU next year...
[25-02-2004 15:18] Jan-Willem Lenting
Fosdem 2004 was very good indeed.
Next year i'm thinking of make some video recordings of the talks :-)
Greetings and see you next year
[24-02-2004 22:42] Joost
Could only attend Saturday - first time I attended FOSDEM. It was great - a big Thank You to all the people who organised the event. I'll certainly be back next year!
[24-02-2004 18:04] Mike Hoolehan
Great to be around so many people interested in free software. Thank you, to the organizers.
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