
[ 02-04-2003 ] Fourth edition
As some of you guessed, this was the standard 1st April fools ... well, there is at least something true in the text below, just guess ;-)
Dear FOSDEM visitors, the third edition has just ended, and we are well on the road for the 2004 session.
There will be an attendance fee for this fourth edition, as we have changed the status of our organization (from volunteer basis to commercial company).
This year, we will once again have great speakers, and great conferences, like Francois Richenous, who will come to talk to us about the Microsoft Shared Source solution, Microsoft who has agreed to sponsor us this year.
But, due to the lack of success, we won't organize anymore develeoper's rooms ...
See you soon
The FOSDEM company
[ 16-02-2003 ] What can we change ?
A thread has been created in our forum section where you can help us to improve the FOSDEM organization. As said previously, FOSDEM is organized by volunteers during their free times, so there are certainly lots of things to be better done.
[ 10-02-2003 ] FOSDEM 2003 is over
This third edition of the FOSDEM was once again a great success, due to the hard work of lots of people : many many thanks to all the people involved in this crazy adventure, and we also want to thank our sponsors who made this event possible, as all the (anonymous) donators who gave before the event and during the week-end.
So, stay tuned and don't forget to send your pictures to pics@fosdem.org ... we will collect all of them and will make them available to everybody.
Within weeks, you will have the opportunity to download the recorded video of allmost all of our official sessions.
And in few monthes, we will start the next edition !
[ 01-02-2003 ] FOSDEM in the News
With our weekly interviews, lots of sites relayed the news, like :
Linux Weekly News
[ 06-01-2003 ] The FOSDEM contest
The FOSDEM desktop background contest has been started for several weeks, and we have yet 4 great pictures ... today, our contest has been mentionned on the art.gnome.org website, and readers are encouraged to promote this event everywhere.
[ Next screen ]


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FOSDEM 2003 will take place on February 8 - 9 2003 in Brussels... |

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Best background:

Create the coolest Fosdem background design and win cool stuffs... More info |

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