
Agustín Benito Bethencourt has been working in Open Source since 2003 as manager, executive, entrepreneur or consultant for a variety of organizations. He is a remote work advocate who lives between Málaga and La Palma, Canary Islands, both in Spain. He currently works as Oniro Program Manager at the Eclipse Foundation and participates in communities like KDE.
Agustín Benito Bethencourt has been involved in the Open Source software industry since 2003 in different management, executive and consultant positions as well as an entrepreneur. Agustín has led multidisciplinary and remote teams, departments and even remote-only organizations in the design, development, deployment and support of a wide variety of software products, services and projects. In addition, he has a solid background as speaker, net-worker, business developer and trainer.
Currently he works for the Eclipse Foundation as Oniro Program Manager.
Agustín has three passions: innovation, basketball and La Palma, the place he calls home. He likes to travel, making it compatible with its work. He is a KDE e.V. and KDE Spain member and an openSUSE user. He has been also involved in other Open Source projects/communities at a personal and professional level. Currently, he lives between the Málaga area and La Palma, Canary Islands, both in Spain.