Swati Sehgal

Swati Sehgal is a Cloud Software Architect in the Cloud Native Engineering Team at Intel. She works to enhance Kubernetes and its platform to deliver best-in-class networking applications, leading edge solutions and innovative enhancements across the stack. Her work includes working on prototypes to deliver future high speed container technologies and enable customers and partners to run high throughput and latency sensitive network functions.
Bio of the co presenter: Marlow Weston is currently a Cloud Software Architect at Intel working on resource management. Previously, she has worked in a variety of areas including MLOps, high performance computing tools, security, embedded systems, kernel drivers, tracing libraries, and web scrapers. She began adult life by pursuing a degree in chemical engineering, but in the process realized that programming was more fun than solving piles of differential equations. After completing her degree, Marlow wandered off into the dark universe of computer science, never to return