Tyler Duzan

Tyler Duzan joined Percona in 2017 as a Product Manager and has lead their MySQL software and Cloud technology initiatives since. Prior to joining Percona, Tyler spent more than 13 years in operations and security engineering roles across several industry verticals, including working at a major cloud provider.
I've been using open-source software since I was a kid, hanging out on IRC and learning about how computers worked. My first significant activity contributing was volunteering with the Mozilla Project in 2003 until 2006 where I helped find bugs and won a bug bounty for some of the security bugs I found. I've been looking for a way to get paid to work on open source software as my day job since. Luckily I had that opportunity with Percona, where I've been the Product Manager for MySQL and Cloud since 2017 and I previously had that opportunity during my time at Rackspace from 2010-2014. While at Rackspace I was a senior operations engineer in Rackspace Cloud where I got to work on OpenStack and OpenCompute as well as many other great open source tools (Atom Hopper, Repose, IUS, et al), although most of my work was behind the scenes there. I enjoy learning new things and then sharing that knowledge with others, and as such I love to give talks at conferences and guest lecture at schools. Please come find me and chat during FOSDEM if you want to talk about Golang, Kubernetes, OpenStack, Cloud, Open Hardware, Raspberry Pi/Embedded Systems, or anything related to Percona :)