Thorsten Leemhuis

Thorsten follows Linux kernel development closely since the start of this century. He's known for his "Kernel Log", a column which over the years covered the features of more than seventy new Linux versions in detail. His elaborate and respected article series is published by bis employer, the German c't magazine (Europe's biggest computer and tech magazine), both online and in print. Thorsten also was a major Fedora contributor ten to fifteen years ago and recently helped Linux kernel development with handling regression tracking; sadly he had to put these efforts on hold for now due to time constrains. He regularly speaks about Linux kernel development at various German open source conferences and has a strong interest in computer hardware, too.
- Kernel-Log at (German)
- Thorstens Twitter account dedicated to Linux kernel and realated topics
- Thorstens other social media accounts
Title | Day | Room | Track | Start | End |
The Linux Kernel: We have to finish this thing one day ;) Solving big problems in small steps for more than two decades |
Saturday | Janson | Keynotes | 10:00 | 10:50 |