Brussels / 1 & 2 February 2020


Jean-François Gagné

Photo of Jean-François Gagné

Jean-François (J-F, JF or Jeff for short, not just Jean please) is a System/Infrastructure Engineer and a MySQL Expert. In July 2018, he joined MessageBird, an IT telco startup in Amsterdam, with the mission of scaling the MySQL infrastructure. Before that, J-F worked for five years on growing the MySQL and MariaDB installations, including dealing with replication bottlenecks (he also works on many other non MySQL related projects that are less relevant here). Some of his latest projects are finding the best way to automate MySQL master failover, making Parallel Replication run faster and promoting Binlog Servers. JF also has a very good understanding of MySQL replication and a respectable understanding of InnoDB, MySQL, Linux and TCP/IP. Before, he worked as a System/Network/Storage Administrator in a Linux/VMWare environment, as an Architect for a Mobile Services Provider, and as a C and Java Programmer in an IT Service Company. Even before that, when he was learning computer science, Jeff studied cache consistency in distributed systems and network group communication protocols (these protocols are now used in Galera and Group Replication).



Title Day Room Track Start End
The consequences of sync_binlog != 1 Saturday H.2214 MySQL, MariaDB and Friends 12:10 12:30